"Safe Winter with GOPR (Voluntary Mountain Rescue Service) " - Plus and POLSAT TV support safe winter holidays in the mountains

14 sty 2016

gopr.jpgAnother edition of "Safe Winter with GOPR" is taking off. During seven consecutive weekends GOPR rescuers will be promoting safe leisure in the mountains at popular skiing resorts. Once again Polsat News TV station will support GOPR’s winter action, with the "Nowy Dzień z Polsat News" (New Day with Polsat News) morning program broadcast live every Saturday and Sunday. In the evenings the viewers will be also able to watch the chronicle of "Safe Winter with GOPR," which will summarize the events of a given day of the action. Plus mobile operator, Tauron and LG are the partners of the action.

While on holidays in the mountains, please remember the phone number 601100300. It is a special emergency number operating across all mountain ranges in Poland and constitutes an element of the integrated Rescue System. The Integrated Rescue System was developed thanks to the cooperation between rescue units and Plus network, who has been cooperating with mountain rescuers for over a dozen years and is their technology partner.

A solution worth recommending is the mobile application "RATUNEK" ("RESCUE"), which supports safe leisure in the mountains. Thanks to this application, the location from which an emergency call is made or of a hazardous place in the mountains can be determined with an accuracy of three meters. The application has been introduced by GOPR together with Plus network and Paga Solutions.



Godnym polecenia rozwiązaniem wspierającym bezpieczny wypoczynek jest również aplikacja na telefony komórkowe „RATUNEK". Pozwala ona, z dokładnością nawet do trzech metrów, na zlokalizowanie miejsca skąd zgłaszany jest wypadek lub zagrożenie w górach. Aplikacja została wprowadzana przez GOPR wspólnie z siecią Plus i Paga Solutions. Więcej informacji jest na  http://601100300.pl/aplikacja/

Ostatnia aktualizacja 18.01.2016