Statement of Cyfrowy Polsat regarding media reports on the financial situation of the Company

14 Oct 2024

Cyfrowy Polsat and its capital group are operating stably, according to plan and in a  normal operational mode. The situation reported in the media in recent weeks has no impact on the operational and financial activities of the Company and the Group.

The Group's financial position is stable, and it consistently executes its strategy while meeting its obligations to financial institutions and bondholders on time.

The Group’s position with respect to its financial covenants is secure. Doubts raised by the media about risks arising from the financing documentation are unfounded.

Bank loans are repaid in instalments and have a final maturity date of 2028, while the bonds issued by the Company mature in 2030. Information on the Group's debt, its structure and maturity is presented to investors and the public in quarterly reports available on the Group's website.

Cyfrowy Polsat, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2008, regularly publishes detailed financial reports and presentations, which are made available to the public on a quarterly basis. The Company has been operating in the Polish market for 30 years, fulfilling its obligations to citizens, the State and business partners. It is one of the most reliable partners of both Polish and foreign financial institutions.

We constantly monitor publications that may be detrimental to the Company and Polsat Plus Group, especially those that, in our opinion, are unreliable and undermine the financial or business credibility of the Group. We urge journalists to carefully verify their sources in order to avoid situations that may lead to a breach of journalistic professionalism.

Polsat Plus Group is considering taking legal action against individuals and media responsible for the dissemination of information that is untrue, unreliable and damaging to the Group's image and credibility. This includes against individuals who could act to the detriment of the Group by disclosing confidential internal data to which they had access while working for the Group.

Last updated 10/14/2024