The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (the “Company”) announces that on August 10, 2015 it became aware of the adoption by the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”) of Resolution No. 810/2015 of August 10, 2015 concerning setting the first trading day for series A bearer bonds of the company Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. in the alternative trading system on the Catalyst market (the “Resolution”). According to § 1 item 1 of the Resolution, the Management Board of WSE decided to determine August 12, 2015 as the first trading date in the alternative trading system on the Catalyst market of 1,000,000 series A bearer bonds of the Company with a nominal value of PLN 1,000 each, coded as “PLCFRPT00039” by the National Depository for Securities (the “Bonds”). According to § 1 item 2 of the Resolution the Bonds will be listed in the continuous trading system under the abbreviated name of “CPS0721”.
The information on the issuance of the Bonds was made available to the general public in the Company’s current report number 35/2015 of July 21, 2015.