Convenient payments for Plus customers

14 Jul 2015

The operator of Plus network has just implemented a Blue Media electronic payments system. Now Plus customers can pay their bills in a convenient way via the Plus Online service, by accessing the payment service’s website at or by accessing the payment system from an e-mail message containing the so-called “Green Invoice” (an electronic invoice).

While paying their bills, Plus customers can now use e-payments in two options. The first one is the e-transfer which involves automatic redirecting of a customer to his/her electronic bank account and acceptance by a customer of a bank transfer form filled in with the relevant details of a customer’s phone bill. All that is required from a customer is to authorize the payment. Customers can also choose to pay by Visa or MasterCard, as well as use the new e-purse service offered by credit card issuers.

According to Grzegorz Sandel, the Managing Director for Customer Operations at Polkomtel, “Implementation of the Blue Media electronic payments for Polkomtel customers is yet another result of the synergies in Cyfrowy Polsat Group, as in the course of implementation we have relied on the experience of Cyfrowy Polsat customers who were offered the same mechanism three years earlier. Already first days after the service’s implementation demonstrated that Plus customers willingly use the new, convenient on-line payments channel.” 

Last updated 07/20/2015