The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (the Company, Cyfrowy Polsat) hereby informs that the Supervisory Board of the Company, based on the resolutions adopted on 11 June 2013 decided to nominate Dominik Libicki for the function of the President of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and Dariusz Działkowski, Aneta Jaskólska and Tomasz Szeląg for the function of Members of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. The Members of the Management Board were appointed for a common three-year term.
Curriculum vitaes of the Members of the Management Board:
Dominik Libicki has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. since March 2001. Mr. Libicki is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Telewizja Polsat Sp. z o.o. He is also the President of Management Board of INFO-TV-FM Sp. z o.o. Since February 2005, Mr. Libicki has also been Vice President of the Union of Private Media Employers of the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan (Zwiazek Mediow przy Polskiej Konfederacji Pracodawcow Prywatnych Lewiatan). His previous professional experience is related mainly to the television production industry. He was the Managing Director of PAI Film. He also ran his own company Studio Meg which produced television advertising spots and television programs. Between 2005 and 2006 he was a Member and between 2006 and 2008 the Vice- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o., the largest mobile network in Poland. From May 1999 to March 2011, Mr Libicki was member of the Supervisory Board of Polskie Media S.A. Mr. Libicki graduated from the Department of Environmental Studies at the Wroclaw Technical University and completed a training course for supervisory board members organized by the Polish Ministry of Economy.
Dominik Libicki does not run any business competitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Dariusz Działkowski has been a Member of the Management Board responsible for technology since August 2007. From November 2001 Mr. Działkowski was the Technical Director of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. He is also a Member of the Management Boards of INFO-TV-FM Sp. z o.o., Redefine Sp. z o.o., Netshare Sp. z o.o., Sp. z o.o. and Sp. z o.o. Mr. Działkowski got his previous professional experience with Canal+ and Ericsson where he held the positions of Technical Director and Services Sales Department Manager respectively. He is one of the founders of Centrum Telemarketingowe Sp. z o.o. Mr. Działkowski graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology at the radio and television specialization and has an MBA degree from the University of Maryland.
Dariusz Działkowski does not run any business competitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Aneta Jaskólska has been a Member of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A since July 2010. She is responsible for Legal Department, Administration Department, Personal Department and Safety Department. Mrs. Jaskólska is also a Member of the Management Boards of Cyfrowy Polsat Trade Marks Sp. z o.o., INFO-TV-FM Sp. z o.o., Redefine Sp. z o.o., Netshare Sp. z o.o., Sp. z o.o. and Sp. z o.o. Since 2007 Mrs. Jaskólska has been Director of Legal and Regulatory Department of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. Between 2004 and 2007 Aneta Jaskólska held the position of Proxy and Director of Legal Department of UPC Polska Sp. z o.o. Mrs. Jaskólska has 14 years of experience in the legal advisory and services to large business entities. She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University and completed legal internship with the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw, receiving the title of a solicitor. She also graduated from Copyright, Publishing and Press Law Faculty at the Department of Management and Social Communication of Jagiellonian University.
Aneta Jaskólska does not run any business competitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Tomasz Szeląg is a Member of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer since May 2009. Mr Szeląg is also a Member of Management Board of Telewizja Polsat Sp. z o.o., President of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat Trade Marks Sp. z o.o., as well as Member of the Management Boards of Cyfrowy Polsat Finance AB, INFO-TV-FM Sp. z o.o., Redefine Sp. z o.o., Netshare Sp. z o.o., Sp. z o.o. and Sp. z o.o. Before joining Cyfrowy Polsat, he was Vice-President for Finance at Telefonia Dialog S.A. His previous experience included positions of: Director of the Branch of Société Générale Bank in Wroclaw, Director of the Hedging Department and Director of Analysis and Market Risk at KGHM. He graduated from Wroclaw University of Economics in the Faculty of National Economy, department of International Economic and Political Relations, specialization in Foreign Trade. He holds a doctorate in economics.
Tomasz Szeląg does not run any business competitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Legal grounds: §5 sec. 22 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of February 19, 2009 on current and periodic reports published by the issuers of securities and the conditions of recognizing as equal the information required by the laws of non-member states