The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (Company), hereby announces publication dates of periodical reports in 2009:
I. Consolidated quarterly reports and report:
- 4th quarter of 2008 - 26 February 2009
- 1st quarter of 2009 - 12 May 2009
- 2nd quarter of 2009 - 11 August 2009
- 3rd quarter of 2009 - 4 November 2009;
II. Consolidated semi-annual report for 1st half of 2009 - 15 September 2009
III. Annual report and consolidated annual report for 2008 - 9 June 2009
Simultaneously, following the regulations of §87 sec. 1 and 4 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 October 2005 on current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities, the Company informs about its intention to regularly present in the year 2009 consolidated quarterly reports including extracts from quarterly reports referred to in § 87 item 1 of the Decree as well as to present the consolidated interim report for the first half of 2009 including extracts from interim report referred to in § 87 item 4 of the Decree.
Prepared according to: § 100 sec. 1 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 October 2005 on current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities