The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (Company) hereby informs that on 14 May 2009 the General Shareholders Meeting, with its resolution no 34 on division of profits achieved in the fiscal year 2008 and dividend payout decided that the net income of PLN 271,277,066.74 generated by the Company in the fiscal year ended 31 December 2008 will be allocated as follows:
- for the dividend payout for 2008 the amount of PLN 201,243,750.00. Dividend for 2008 will be paid in the amount of PLN 0.75 per share;
- the remaining amount of PLN 70,033,316.74 to reserve capital.
The General Shareholders Meeting decided that the dividend day will be on 1 June 2009 and the dividend payout dates will be as follows:
1. 16 June 2009 for an amount of PLN 134,162,500.00 and
2. 21 October 2009 for an amount of PLN 67,081,250.00.
Legal grounds § 38 sec. 1 point 7 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 February 2009 concerning the submission of current periodical information by the securities' issuers and the conditions of recognizing as equal the information demanded by the national lawful regulation of a country which does not hold the membership in European Union