The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (the “Company”) hereby informs that on June 24, 2021 the Annual General Meeting of the Company adopted a resolution on the distribution of the Company’s net profit for the financial year 2020 and part of profits earned in previous years for dividend payout (“Resolution”).
In accordance with the provisions of the Resolution:
1) the entire net profit earned by the Company in the financial year 2020, in the amount of PLN 404,982,013.92 (say: four hundred four million nine hundred eighty two thousand thirteen zlotys and ninety two grosze) has been allocated for a dividend payout,
2) the amount of PLN 362,473,205.28 (say: three hundred sixty two million four hundred seventy three thousand two hundred five zlotys and twenty eight grosze) from the reserve capital, created from profits earned in previous years, has been allocated for a dividend payout,
3) the total amount of dividend for the financial year 2020 amounts to PLN 767,455,219.20 (say: seven hundred sixty seven million four hundred fifty five thousand two hundred nineteen zlotys and twenty grosze),
4) the value of dividend per one share amounts to PLN 1.20 (say: one zloty and twenty grosze),
5) the total number of the Company's shares entitled to dividend amounts to 639,546,016,
6) the dividend day is scheduled for September 15, 2021,
7) the dividend payout shall be made in two tranches as follows:
- the first tranche in the amount of PLN 255,818,406.40 (say: two hundred fifty five million eight hundred eighteen thousand four hundred six zlotys and forty grosze), i.e., PLN 0.40 (say: forty grosze) per share – on September 28, 2021, and
- the second tranche in the amount of PLN 511,636,812.80 (say: five hundred eleven million six hundred thirty six thousand eight hundred twelve zlotys and eighty grosze), i.e., PLN 0.80 (say: eighty grosze) per share – on December 10, 2021.
Legal basis |
Article 56 Section 1 Item 2 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and Public Companies in conjunction with § 19 Section 2 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of March 29, 2018 on current and periodic reports published by the issuers of securities and the conditions of recognizing as equal the information required by the laws of non-member states. |