The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (the Company), informs that on 14 January 2009 it become aware of the fact that members of the Management Board of the Company performed following transactions:
- On 13 January 2009, Mr. Dominik Libicki made a contribution of 500,000 shares of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. at the price of PLN 0.04 per share (the nominal price of share) into a company in which he holds 100 per cent shares;
- On 13 January 2009, Mr. Maciej Gruber made a contribution of 46,250 shares of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. at the price of PLN 0.04 per share (the nominal price of share) into a company in which he holds 100 per cent shares,
- On 13 January 2009, Mr. Dariusz Działkowski made a contribution of 46,250 shares of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. at the price of PLN 0.04 per share (the nominal price of share) into a company in which he holds 100 per cent shares;
- On 13 January 2009, Mr. Andrzej Matuszyński made a contribution of 32.500 shares of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. at the price of PLN 0.04 per share (the nominal price of share) into a company in which he holds 100 per cent shares.
Legal grounds: art. 160 section 4 of the law of 29 July 2005 on trade in financial instruments.