We want to effectively shape the environment in which we operate. To this end, we have become a member of or a partner to various organisations that promote the industry’s and the market’s development and bring together experts in the areas important to our business.
We support the advancement of technology and related legislative processes.
Cyfrowy Polsat has established cooperation with many partners, including the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, PIIT), Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji, KIGEiT), Polish Chamber of Digital Broadcasting (Polska Izba Radiodyfuzji Cyfrowej, PIRC), Polish Chamber of Electronic Communication (Polska Izba Komunikacji Elektronicznej, PIKE), Polish Information Processing Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, PTI), and the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan (PKPP Lewiatan).
As a listed company, we constantly cooperate with the regulator and other capital market institutions, such as the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Polish National Depository for Securities (KDPW), the Polish Association of Listed Companies (SEG), the Polish Association of Individual Investors (SII), and the Polish Association of Brokers and Investment Advisers (ZMiD). Pursuing an active investor relations policy, we also maintain regular contact with our shareholders (investment fund management companies, open-end pension funds), as well as independent brokerage houses.
As Poland’s pioneering provider of the ultrafast LTE broadband service, we actively participate in the progress of the interactive services market and in the process of shaping the market and establishing standards that describe it. We are a member of IAB Polska, aiding the processes of educating the market and setting quality standards, and offering our support to efforts aimed at promoting the Internet as an effective advertising medium. Moreover, we are the co-owner of Polskie Badania Internetu, a company established to set a standard for Polish surveying of the Internet.
Our station’s audience is measured telemetrically by Nielsen Audience Measurement, whose surveys provide a benchmark for all TV stations, media planners and advertisers present on the Polish market. We are also a member of the EGTA association of television and radio sales houses.
We take care to ensure secure and high-quality internal and external audit processes. Our employees follow procedural guidelines issued by the ISACA and the IIA Polska Internal Auditor Association (Stowarzyszenie Audytorów Wewnętrznych IIA Polska). We also seek to raise the internal awareness of the role of audits, and to disseminate knowledge of audit processes and standards for their efficient and reliable performance.
Under the current legal framework in Poland, our operating markets are regulated by the following entities:
- telecommunications market (the Internet and mobile telephony): the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE),
- radio and television: the Office of Electronic Communications and the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT).
Digital terrestrial frequencies are allocated by the UKE, whereas the KRRiT grants rights to broadcast content.