The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (the “Company”) announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. has been convened for August 18, 2015 at 11.00 a.m. at the Company’s headquarters in Warsaw, at Łubinowa 4A Street.
Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting:
- Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
- Appointment of the Chairman of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
- Drawing up an attendance list, confirming that the Extraordinary General Meeting has been properly convened and is able to adopt valid resolutions.
- Appointment of the Ballot Counting Committee.
- Adoption of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
- Adoption of the resolution regarding consent to conclude a pledge agreement and to establish registered pledge (registered pledges) on collection of movables and rights constituting the organized entirety with variable composition, being the part of the Company’s enterprise (zbiór rzeczy i praw stanowiących organizacyjną całość o zmiennym składzie wchodzących w skład przedsiębiorstwa Spółki), to secure the receivables resulting from the facilities agreements.
- Closing of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
The Management Board of the Company attaches to this current report:
- the notice on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting for August 18, 2015 prepared pursuant to Article 402(2) of the Code of Commercial Companies;
- draft resolutions to be adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting convened for August 18, 2015.
All information concerning the Extraordinary General Meeting is available on the website of the Company at in section Corporate Governance, tab General Meetings – Materials.