The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (Company) hereby informs that it convenes and Ordinary Shareholders of Cyfrowy Polsat Spółka Akcyjna to be held on 4 July 2008 at 10.00 am in the Sheraton Hotel at B. Prusa 2, Warsaw, conference room: Warszawa.
1. Opening of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.
2. Election of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting Chairman.
3. Verification of correctness of convening the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting and its capacity to adopt binding resolutions.
4. Adoption of the Agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.
5. Election of the Ballot Committee.
6. Presentation by the Management Board of the Directors' report on the Company's operations for the fiscal year 2007, Financial Statements of the Company for the fiscal year 2007, Directors' report on the Group's operations for the fiscal year 2007, Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2007 and Management Board' motion on allocation of the profits achieved by Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. in the fiscal year 2007.
7. Presentation by the Supervisory Board of report from the evaluation of:
- Directors' report on the Company's operations for the fiscal year 2007;
- Financial Statements of the Company for the fiscal year 2007;
- Directors' report on the Group's operations for the fiscal year 2007;
- Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2007; and
- Management Board' motion on allocation of the profits achieved by Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. in the fiscal year 2007.
8. Presentation by the Supervisory Board of the assessment of the Company's condition and evaluation of the Management Board work.
9. Consideration and adoption of the resolution approving Director's report on the Company's operations for the fiscal year 2007 and Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2007.
10. Consideration and adoption of the resolution approving Director's report on the Group's operations for the fiscal year 2007 and Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2007.
11. Consideration and adoption of the resolution approving Supervisory Board Report for 2007.
12. Adoption of the resolution approving dividend policy.
13. Adoption of the resolution approving allocation of the profits achieved by Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. In 2007 and on dividend payout.
14. Adoption of resolutions granting approval of the performance by the members of the Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. Management Board duties Turing the fiscal year 2007.
15. Adoption of resolutions granting approval of the performance by the members of the Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. Supervisory Board duties Turing the fiscal year 2007.
16. Adoption of resolutions on changes in the Supervisory Board.
17. Closing the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.
The Management of the Company informs, that pursuant to article 406 sec. 1, article 406 sec. 3 of the Commercial Companies Code in relation to article 9 sec. 3 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments (Dz. U. No. 183 item. 1538 with further changes), the right to participate in the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting is vested to (i) owners of the registered shares, who were registered in the Company's share register book at least one week prior to the holding of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting, (ii) owners of the bearer shares, who will submit depository certificates of the Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. shares to the Company's headquarters in Warsaw at 4a Łubinowa Street, stating the number of shares owned and including a statement that the certificate was issued to confirm owner's right to participate and exercise voting rights on the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting and that the shares are blocked on the securities account and will not be traded till the date of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.
The depository certificates of the shares should be submitted to the Company's headquarters in Warsaw, at 4a Łubinowa Street, during the period commencing from the date of publishing of this announcement until 27 June 2008, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Registered depository certificates cannot be collected before the end of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.
The shareholders may participate in the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting and exercise voting rights in person or by proxy. The proxy shall be given in writing, otherwise it is null and void, submitted in the original form or certified copy.
The list of the shareholders entitled to participate in the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting will be displayed in the Company's headquarters for three days prior to holding Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.
Legal grounds: Paragraph 39 sec. 1 passage 1 and 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities.