The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (Company) hereby informs that the Annual General Meeting based on the resolutions adopted on 23 April 2009 decided that the Supervisory Board of the Company will consist of five members and nominated Robert Gwiazdowski, Andrzej Papis, Leszek Reksa, Heronim Ruta and Zygmunt Solorz-Żak to the Supervisory Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.
The curriculum vitae of the new Supervisory Board members are as follows:
Robert Gwiazdowski a Ph. D. of Law. Since 1997 holder of Investment Advisor title. Mr. Gwiazdowski is also an arbiter in arbitrary proceedings at the Stock Exchange Court within the Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A.. He is the President of Adam Smith Centre. Between 1985 and 2006 he was a senior researcher at the University of Warsaw (assistant and then lecturer on the Law and Administration Faculty). In 1992-2002 he was partner in Smoktunowicz & Falandysz Legal Office. In 1994-2004 he was the Head of Tax Commission of Adam Smith Centre. Since 2002 he has run a business within legal and tax, and also finance and economic consultancy, trading as Gwiazdowski Consulting. Mr. Gwiazdowski is an author of commentaries regarding tax and economic topics on Polish TV and radio stations, and an author of numerous publications and articles. Mr. Gwiazdowski is the Supervisory Board member of Gemius S.A., MNI S.A. (independent member of the Supervisory Board) and DGA S.A.
Robert Gwiazdowski does not run a business competitive to Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court. Robert Gwiazdowski announced that he fulfills the independence criteria set forth in Code of Best Practices of WSE Listed companies in Chapter III point 6.
Andrzej Papis is a Legal Advisor. Mr. Papis graduated from the Law and Administration Faculty of the Warsaw University and completed his legal apprenticeship in the Local BAR Chamber in Warsaw. Between 1998 and 1999 he was an assistant in the team of professor M. Kulesza for the administrational reform of the country, followed by his post as co-worker of the Government Proxy Office for Implementation of the General Health Insurance. Since 2000 he has been the lawyer of Telewizja Polsat S.A. Since 2003 he has also been a member of the Board of TFP Sp. z o.o. and since 2004 he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Elektrim S.A.. Since 2007 Mr. Papis has been on the Supervisory Board of Media Biznes Sp. z o.o. - broadcaster of the television channel TV Biznes.
Andrzej Papis does not run a business competitive to Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Leszek Reksa is a graduate of the Foreign Trade Faculty of the School of Planning and Statistics (now the Warsaw School of Economics). He has extensive professional experience on managerial positions in various companies. For over 15 years he has been employed on managerial positions in the banking sector (PKO BP S.A.). He also has great experience of work in statutory bodies of legal companies - held a position of President of Board of PHU BIMOT S.A., Member of the Supervisory Board of Bankowy Fundusz Leasingowy S.A. and Member of the Supervisory Board of Zaklady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A.
Leszek Reksa does not run a business competitive to Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court. Leszek Reksa announced that he fulfills the independence criteria set forth in Code of Best Practices of WSE Listed companies in Chapter III point 6.
Heronim Ruta graduated from the Electrical Faculty of the Warsaw Polytechnic. He is employed by Ster Sp. z o.o. and seats on the Supervisory Boards of Invest Bank S.A., PAI Media S.A., Gurex S.A., and Telewizja Polsat S.A., and also on the board of Diasen Ltd. Between 1973 and1978 Mr. Ruta was a trainee and then an electrical technology specialist with Plastics Processing Plant (ZakladyTworzyw Sztucznych) Pronit Erg, between 1978 and 1979 he was a specialist supervising development of an experimental car for detection of cracks in rail tracks in Centralny Osrodek Badan Techniki Kolejnictwa. In 1980 Mr. Ruta worked for Cementation International Limited, London, designing the electrical layout for the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw. Between 1980 and 1987 he was the head of Wytwórczo-Uslugowa Spóldzielnia Pracy. In 1987 Heronim founded Herom Sp. z o.o., where he was president until 1992. From 1992 to 1994 he was president of Ster Sp. z o.o., and between 1991 and 1998 he ran his own business activities within trade and services in the field of electronics goods and establishment of television broadcast transmitters for Telewizja Polsat S.A.. From 2002 to 2005 Mr. Ruta was member of the Management Board of Polaris Finance B.V. and between 2002 and 2004 he was member of the Supervisory Board of Uzddaroji Akcine Bendrove Baltijos Televizja.
Heronim Ruta does not run a business competitive to Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Zygmunt Solorz-Zak is one of the greatest private entrepreneurs in Poland. Having spent a few years abroad returned to Poland and set up the Foreign Enterprise SOLPOL at the end of the 1980s. At the beginning of the 1990s Mr. Solorz-Zak took interest in the media sector investing in the Kurier Polski. In 1993 Mr. Solorz-Zak started first private satellite television in Poland - Polsat which, by receiving a license, transformed into a nationwide television. Within a few years Telewizja Polsat became the leader of the television market in Poland. Since the foundation of Telewizja Polsat Zygmunt Solorz-Zak has been the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Mr. Solorz-Zak's investment interest also includes other business sectors through companies such as Elektrim S.A., Invest-Bank S.A., PAK S.A., PTE Polsat S.A., or TU Polisa Zycie S.A. Mr. Solorz-Zak is also the founder of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. The entrepreneur has great experience of work in statutory bodies of commercial code companies from being the President of Supervisory Boards of companies such as Polsat Media S.A., Invest Bank S.A. and Elektrim S.A.
Zygmunt Solorz-Żak does not run a business competitive to Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Legal grounds: Paragraph 5 section 1 point 22 of the Decree of the Finance Minister of 19 February 2009 on ongoing and periodical information submitted by issuers of securities, and conditions of their acceptance as equivalent, required by the laws of a country not being a member state.