The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (Company) hereby informs that the Supervisory Board of the Company based on the resolutions adopted on 24 June 2010 decided to nominate Dominik Libicki on the function of the President of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and Dariusz Działkowski and Tomasz Szeląg on the function of Member of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. Gentlemen were appointed for a common three year's term of office.
Curriculum vitaes of Member of the Management Board:
Dominik Libicki has been the President of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. since March 2001.
He also performs the function of the President of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat Technology Sp. z o.o. He also sits on the Supervisory Board of Polskie Media S.A.
Mr Libicki is also on the Supervisory Board of POT Sp. z o.o., which is involved in the project of implementation of terrestrial digital television in Poland. Since February 2005, he has been the Vice-President of the Association of Private Media Employers, incorporated into Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan. Mr. Libicki's previous professional experience is mainly related to the television production industry. He held the position of the Managing Director in PAI Film. He also ran his own company - Studio Meg, which produced television advertising spots and television programs. Between 2005 and 2006 he was a member, and between 2006 and 2008 the Vice-President of the Supervisory Board of Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o., the largest mobile telephony provider in Poland (the Era network).
Mr. Libicki graduated from the Sanitary Engineering Faculty of the Polytechnic School of Wrocław obtaining the title of the Master Engineer of the Environment Protection. He attended training for members of Supervisory Boards of State-owned Companies conducted by the Ministry of Economy.
Mr. Dominik Libicki does not run a business competitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Dariusz Działkowski has been a Member of the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. for Technology since August 2007. He also sits on the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat Technology Sp. z o.o. From November 2001 he has been the Director of Technology for Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. He gained his previous professional experience with Canal+ and Ericsson, as Director of Technology and Services Sales Department Manager, respectively. He is one of the founders of Centrum Telemarketingowe Sp. z o.o. He graduated from the Electronics Faculty of the Polytechnic School of Warsaw with major in Radio and Television. Mr. Działkowski also participated in the MBA Program at the University of Maryland.
Mr. Dariusz Działkowski does not run a business competitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Mr. Tomasz Szeląg has been the Finance Director of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. since 2009. He also sits on the Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat Technology Sp. z o.o. and he hods athe position of President of the Management Board of mPunkt Polska S.A. In 2000-2003 Mr. Szeląg was an assistant at Foreign Trade Faculty of the Economic Academy of Wrocław. In May 2003 Mr. Szeląg received PhD title for his thesis on hedging transaction used by world copper producers and went on to become a lecturer in the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Economic Academy of Wrocław. Between 2003 and 2004 he also held a position of a lecturer in the Wrocław School of Banking - at the Faculty of International Economic Relations.Parallel to his academic career Mr Szeląg also developed his professional career gaining experience in managerial positions in the area of finance and investment. From 2003, Mr. Szeląg was Chief Specialist in the Currency Risk Department of KGHM Polska Miedź SA, and then of the Market Risk and Analysis Department In September 2004, he become Director of the Department. In December 2004, he become Director of Hedging Department of KGHM and held the function until March 2007. From April 2007 to June 2008 he worked as Director of Brach of Société Générale Bank in Wrocław. In July 2008, Mr Szeląg took the position of Vice-president for Finance in Telefonia Dialog S.A., which he held until March 2009. Mr. Szeląg was responsible for finance, accounting, controlling, and budgeting management, and also owner supervision and capital investment, logistics and purchases, project management and IT. Mr. Szeląg graduated from the National Economy Faculty of the Economic Academy of Wrocław, with major in International Economic and Political Relations specializing in Foreign Trade.
Mr. Tomasz Szeląg does not run a business competitive to the business of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. and is not entered into the Registry of insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.
Legal grounds: §5 sec. 22 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 February 2009 concerning the submission of current periodical information by the securities' issuers and the conditions of recognizing as equal the information demanded by the national lawful regulation of a country which does not hold the membership in European Union.