The Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. with registered office in Warsaw (Company) hereby informs that the Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. (GPW) by the Resolution no. 322/2008 of 30 April 2008, as of today, admitted, as of today, to trade on the primary market 75,000,000 ordinary shares of the Company of E series and 5,825,000 ordinary shares of the Company of F series. Moreover, the Board of the Company informs that today an application was submitted to the Board of GPW to introduce the shares into trade on the primary market.
Moreover, today, the Company was informed by Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.(KDPW), that pursuant to the resolution of the Board of KDPW No. 179/08 dated 31 March 2008, that on 5 May the 80,825,000 shares of the Company will be registered with KPDW under the ISIN code PLCFRPT00013.
Legal basis: § 34 section 1 of the Decree of the Finance Minister dated 19 November 2005 on current and periodical information published by issuers of securities (Journal of Law of 2005, No. 209, item 1744).