Plus MCX – the Innovative Critical Communications Network
Polsat Plus Group is finalizing the implementation of a nationwide critical communications infrastructure solution called Plus MCX. The purpose of the solution is to ensure reliable communications for crisis situations, such as for example floods. The system relies on a dedicated telecommunications network operating in the 420 MHz frequency band while using LTE technology. The solution supports voice calls, data transmission as well as group communications designed for government services and agencies as well as for local authorities and enterprises.
Plus MCX is a solution thanks to which the parties who operate critical infrastructure can use reliable data transmission even in extremely unfavorable circumstances. Thus, the solution, which is unique on Polish market, can support organization of emergency operations and also enables quick response in crisis situations. Plus MCX is planned to be launched at the beginning of 2025.
Plus MCX (mission critical services) is a secure, dedicated and resilient critical communications network which is designed for the uniformed services, crisis management units, power engineering, industry, logistics and other branches which are responsible for security and which must be prepared to act in difficult situations and conditions. The solution operates in the form of a dedicated telecommunications network which relies on the 420 MHz frequency band, which is characterized by outstanding propagation parameters, while using the LTE technology. Thanks to such an arrangement, Plus MCX offers uninterrupted communications between users while reducing to the minimum the possibility of outside interference. Additional benefit is the extended operating time of the transmitters, which guarantees communications even in the situation of failure of the public telecommunications network. The service will be available nationwide in Poland and its launch is planned at the beginning of 2025.
Plus MCX relies on MCPTT - mission critical push to talk. It is a special dispatch system which enables processing of calls, management of user groups as well as viewing of respective locations on a dedicated dispatcher app. It is a central communications tool offering access to a map presenting user locations as well as to recorded calls, thus constituting substantial support for the operation of crisis management units.
The MCX (MCPTT) standard is the result of many years of work by 3GPP industry organization. It has been developed in response to the growing demand for broadband data transmission in critical networks in order to support voice connections, numerous dedicated applications as well as a new functionality – video calls (push-to-video). Such requirements can be supported by LTE network. The latest technology standards successfully support public security in the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea and many other countries of the world. Plus MCX Critical Communications Network operates in the 420 MHz frequency band while relying on the LTE technology. Compared to generally used frequency bands, this frequency band is much better in penetrating terrain obstacles, which translates to more reliable connections, especially in difficult conditions. Plus MCX Network is compatible with the existing radio systems relying on TETRA and DMX standards, thus enabling crisis operations to be managed while using a single dispatch system.
Uses of Plus MCX:
Rescue and Public Units:
The police, fire brigade, ambulance service and rescue units which require reliable communications for the purpose of coordinating their efforts.
Industry and Power Engineering:
Industry and power engineering where instant communication is key for security and efficiency of operations, while the critical infrastructure equipped with numerous monitoring devices must be protected by a dedicated, secure data network.
Transport and Logistics:
In the case of transport and logistics industries, where cooperation between workers is indispensable, the service enables fast and coordinated efforts, especially in remote areas.
Safety and Security:
Security agencies, facility monitoring or crisis management units where reliable communications is the key element enabling effective communications in emergency situations.
Plus MCX Critical Communications Network is the first nationwide solution which significantly enhances the quality of group communications for key industries. Thanks to the LTE technology, operating in the 420 MHz frequency band, users are offered not only reliable connections but also security and support in emergency situations. Use of Push-to-Talk service, geolocation and dispatch network functions form indispensable tools for fast and effective communications in a dynamically evolving environment.