Key indicators
2022 | 2023 | |
ENERGY | Total energy consumption (GWh), including: | 132.8 | 176.2 |
- from fossil fuels | 122.9 | 1.0 |
- from renewable sources | 9.9 | 175.2 | Share of zero-emission energy sources in the energy mix (%)1) | - | 5.6% |
Production of energy from renewable sources (GWh), including: | - | 370.6 |
- from wind | - | 27.7 |
- from photovoltaics | - | 35.7 |
- from biomass | - | 307.2 |
OTHER | ||
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1 and 2 (%)2) | 96.0% | 95.0% |
Water consumption (thousand m3) | 103.4 | 252.4 |
1) concerns Cyfrowy Polsat S.A., Telewizja Polsat sp. z o.o., Polkomtel sp. z o.o. and Netia S.A.
2) base year 2019
2022 | 2023 | |
Total number of employees, including: | 7,171 | 7,474 |
- women | 3,221 | 3,312 |
- men | 3,950 | 4,162 |
- percentage of women (%) | 44.9% | 44.3% |
Basic salary ratio of women to men (pay gap)1) | 93.7% | 93.3% |
Percentage of employees in trade unions | 5% | 5% |
Average number of training hours per employee [h/year] | 18.8 | 14.1 |
1) men's salary = 100%. The indicator applies to specialist positions
2022 | 2023 | |
Governance bodies | ||
Share of women on the Management Board (%) | 50% | 50% |
Share of women on the Supervisory Board (%) | 0% | 0% |
Independence of Supervisory Board members | 2 members (22%) | 2 members (25%) |
Regular disclosure of corporate governance reports | yes | yes |
The Best Practice for GPW-Listed Companies | 52 rules fulfilled (83%) | 52 rules fulfilled (83%) |
Sustainability-Linked Debt1) [PLN million], of which: | - | 13,345 |
- bank loan1) | - | 9,455 |
- SLB bonds1) | - | 3,890 |
Code od Ethics | yes | yes |
Anti-Corruption Policy | - | yes |
Policy of Respect for Human Rights, including i.a.: | yes | yes |
- protection of diversity | yes | yes |
- equality policy | yes | yes |
- anti-discrimination policy | - | yes |
Anti-mobbing policy | yes | yes |
Internal Reporting of Legal Breaches | - | yes |
1) Nominal values, debt denominated in foreign currency at the exchange rate on the balance sheet date