Information on convening Annual General Meeting of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A and content of draft resolutions for the Annual General Meeting of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.
The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (Company) hereby informs that it convenes an Annual General Meeting of Cyfrowy Polsat Spółka Akcyjna to be held on 24 June 2010 at 11.00 am in the Company's headquarters in Warsaw, at 4a Łubinowa Street.
Agenda of the Annual General Meeting:
1. Opening of the Annual General Meeting.
2. Election of the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting.
3. Validation of correctness of convening the Annual General Meeting and its ability to adopt binding resolutions.
4. Appointment of the Ballot Committee.
5. Adoption of the agenda.
6. Management Board's presentation of Management Board's Report on Company's activities in the fiscal year 2009, Company's financial statements for the fiscal year 2009, Management Board's Report on Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group's activities in the fiscal year 2009, consolidated financial statements of Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group in the fiscal year 2009 and Management Board's motion regarding allocation of the Company's profits for the fiscal year 2009
7. The Supervisory Board's presentation of statement on evaluation of:
a) Management Board's Report on Company's activities in the fiscal year 2009;
b) Company's financial statements for the fiscal year 2009; and
c) Management Board's motion regarding allocation of the Company's profits for the fiscal year of 2009.
8. The Supervisory Board's presentation of the evaluation of Company's standing and Management Board's activities.
9. Consideration and adoption of a resolution regarding approval of the Management Board's Report Company's activities in the fiscal year 2009.
10. Consideration and adoption of a resolution regarding approval of the Company's financial statements for the fiscal year 2009.
11. Consideration and adoption of a resolution regarding approval of the Management Board's Report on Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group's activities in the fiscal year 2009.
12. Consideration and adoption of a resolution regarding approval of the Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group's consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year of 2009.
13. Consideration and adoption of a resolution on the Report from activities of Cyfrowy Polsat Supervisory Board containing an assessment of its activities in 2009.
14. Adoption of a resolution granting members of the Management Board the approval of performance of their duties in 2009.
15. Adoption of a resolution granting members of the Supervisory Board the approval of the performance of their duties in 2009.
16. Adoption of a resolution on distribution of profits for the fiscal year 2009 and dividend payout.
17. Closing of the meeting.
The Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. also publisher in attachment to this current report:
1. The notice convening an Annual General Meeting dated 24 June 2010, prepared in accordance with Article. 402(2) Commercial Code
2. The content of draft resolutions for the Annual General Meeting convened on 24 June 2010
The Company publishes all information relating to the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting on Company's website at: tab General Shareholders Meeting - Materials
Legal grounds § 38 sec. 1 point 1 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 February 2009 concerning the submission of current periodical information by the securities' issuers and the conditions of recognizing as equal the information demanded by the national lawful regulation of a country which does not hold the membership in European Union
Draft resolutions for Annual General Meeting to be held on 24 June 2010 (.pdf)
Report on activities of the Supervisory Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. in 2009 (.pdf)
Information on total number of shares and number of votes arising from these shares (.pdf)